Split-type Cable Fault Location System
Cable fault location is required anywhere where the fault cannot be seen, this is a multi-step process that must be performed as safely and as quickly as possible because customers will be without power.
Step 1 - Cable Isolation & Safety Procedures: A cable fault is nearly always a permanent fault. This means that the cable in question will be in a condition where the protection devices at one or both ends of the cable will have tripped, leaving the cable isolated but NOT earthed (grounded). The first task is for the Authorised Person for the site to make the cable safe by isolating and then earthing (grounding) one or both ends preferably. Only after the appropriate procedures have been carried out can any testing personnel be allowed to approach the cable and prepare for testing.
Step 2 - Cable Identification: Where multiple cables exist, cable identification testing will identify the correct cable to work on. Clear identification before a cable is cut is intrinsic to safe maintenance work. Any mistakes here can be fatal, and may cause much longer outages for the connected customers
Step 3 - Cable tracing: When an underground cable is first laid it rarely runs in a straight line, but rather meanders in depth and direction. Cable tracing is done to determine that the route of the cable is following the expected path.
Step 4 - Fault identification: The first major procedure is to determine the phase on which the fault has occurred, and if it is of low or high resistance. This test determines the correct technique and equipment to diagnose the fault. Typically, if the fault is found to be below 100 Ohms, a low voltage pulse (e.g., 40 V) from a TDR (time domain reflectometer) can be used. If the fault is a higher resistance (> 100 Ohm), a low voltage pulse will likely not see it. For these types of faults, an Impulse generator (shock discharge) will be necessary.
Step 5 - Fault prelocation: A reliable and precise pre-location method is necessary to locate a cable fault quickly and efficiently. Good pre-location can determine the fault position to within a few percent of the cable length and will reduce pinpointing time to a few minutes. Remember: a). If it is a low resistance fault, pre-location was likely to be the only means necessary for location. b). For high resistance faults, ARM (arc reflection) or ICE (impulse current) techniques on an SWG (surge wave generator) should be used. Alternatively, the decay method with an HV DC tester (bridge), can be used for pre-location.
Step 6 - Pinpointing: The aforementioned test methods will get the operator with 5% distance of the fault, acoustic pinpointing techniques must be employed to narrow the margin of error to 0.1%. In most cases, shock discharge generators are used for pinpointing in conjunction with acoustic methods. The discharge creates a loud noise, which is pinpointed precisely using an acoustic pinpointing device. This device evaluates the time difference between the acoustic signal (speed of sound) and the electromagnetic (nearly the speed of light) impulse of the shock discharge. When the shortest time difference is indicated, the exact fault location is revealed.
Step 7 - Re-energisation of the cable: Once all testing and repairs are completed, the Safety/Testing Documentation is cancelled. the cable is then handed back to the appropriate operators to reinstate the cable and re-energise the loads on the newly repaired cable.
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